Engineering Management Degree

Pacific's engineering management degree program equips you with the skills to lead in today's global workforce and harness the ability to write code with the power of AI. As a Pacific graduate, you will be prepared to pursue advanced-level studies or enter professional practice in a wide array of different industries, positions and projects. 

The engineering management degree program features a flexible curriculum that combines project and systems engineering courses with specialized courses in areas like civil and mechanical engineering. Alongside a faculty member, you will develop a plan of study based on your goals. With 30% of the curriculum being electives, this degree allows you to explore many career paths and opportunities.  

The Engineering Management (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission's General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Engineering Management and Similarly Named Engineering Programs. 

Exceptional professional outlook

After graduation, engineering management students have found careers as project managers, financial engineers, security technologists, operations engineers, field service engineers, executives, business owners and entrepreneurs. Recent graduates of our program have gone on to work at:

  • Accenture
  • Caltrans
  • Collins Electric
  • Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
  • Knife River
  • PepsiCo
  • Siemens
  • Underwriter Laboratories
engineering student writing on board

Earn while you learn

As part of the engineering management degree program, you will complete two academic terms in a paid CO-OP working in industry, earning an average of $3,700 monthly. After graduation, this professional experience will give you a competitive edge in the engineering job market. 


Engineering management students have completed CO-OPs in the public and private sectors, including at:

  • BKF Engineers

  • Constellation Brands

  • Delicato Family Vineyards

  • G3 Enterprises

  • Granite Construction

  • Holt of California

  • Niagara

  • West Yost Associates 

Dual-degree program

When enrolled in the undergraduate engineering management degree program, you can work with your academic advisers to start taking graduate courses as you complete undergraduate degree requirements.  Please contact Vivek Pallipuram for more information about the dual-degree program and for an application. 

Tyler McIntosh, engineering management major
Outstanding Student
Tyler McIntosh

Tyler McIntosh is set to graduate in spring of 2023. Through Pacific, he landed an internship with the fifth-largest winery in America and top 10 U.S. wine supplier, Delicato Family Wines in Manteca, California. He believes his real-world experience and background in engineering management will help him find success post-Pacific in intellectual property law. 


Degree Offered

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management
Master of Science in Engineering
Minor in Engineering Management

Engineering management program educational objectives 
Within a few years of graduation, graduates of the Engineering Management program are expected to:

  1. Enter professional practice or pursue graduate level studies;

  2. Use engineering knowledge as a base for solving problems requiring business and analytical skills;

  3. Work in a wide array of different industries, positions and projects; and,

  4. Seek continual professional development and lifelong learning. 


Engineering management student outcomes 
Upon graduation, graduates will have:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics

  1. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors

  1. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences

  1. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts

  1. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives

  1. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions

  1. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies 

Engineering and computer science scholarship application instructions

How to Apply

  • Visit Tiger Scholarships to learn more

  • Sign in using your Pacific Net ID and password

  • Complete the general application

  • Complete the conditional SOECS application if applicable.

  • Choose "apply" for recommended scholarship opportunities based on your responses and academic profile.  Please read the scholarship criteria carefully to confirm your qualifications BEFORE applying.

  • You will need to upload an unofficial transcript. 


Any Engineering or Computer Science Major

Name of ScholarshipQualification Criteria
Maryam H. Dashti Endowed ScholarshipMerit-Based; first preference for a student from Kuwait; second preference for a student from Gulf States Region; third preference for international student
B.G. Glenn A Goddard Veteran's Endowed ScholarshipMerit-Based, currently serving in a military reserve program, honorably discharged veteran or participant in ROTC program.
Robert L. Heyborne Endowed ScholarshipMerit-Based, full-time undergraduate student, minimum 3.0 GPA, Junior/Senior standing preferred
George and Sue Schroeder Endowed ScholarshipUndergraduate School of Engineering & Computer Science student, Minimum 3.2 GPA
Paul M. Sensibaugh Engineering Endowed ScholarshipMerit-Based, preference for students who have graduated or transferred from San Joaquin County Schools
Louise Stark Endowed Scholarship for Women EngineersNeed-Based, Undergraduate Female, Good Academic Standing, minimum 2.5 GPA


Any Engineering Major

Name of ScholarshipQualification Criteria
Hamma Fund Scholar (administered by Dean's Office)Merit-Based, last two semesters of Undergrad Program with the goal of enrolling in Master's Program at Pacific, Member of Tau Beta Pi (Award covers 1 fiscal year of graduate school, including books)
Minority Engineering Endowed ScholarshipNeed-Based, Preference for African American or other underrepresented ethnicities
Edward E. Whitacre, Jr. Endowed ScholarshipNeed-Based, full-time Engineering major, minimum of 3.0 GPA

Contact Us

Engineering students with Professor
School of Engineering and Computer Science

School of Engineering and Computer Science
Chambers 226
3601 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, CA 95211